Saturday, 10 August 2013
Friday, 9 August 2013
The Slipper for Lola
ola Marie is a pupil at St. Justs and has been in trouble at school. She comes home and is soon in trouble again with her guardian. She is telling lies and has already been spanked at school for this and so it's time for much more painful measures. First she is spanked on her school knickers and then on the bare bottom. Then off comes the slipper with a very hard sole and this is used on Lola's bottom till it is very red ands sore
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Growing up in the 70s
I was an only child but spanked regularly up to the age of 16. It
was very controlled (almost regimental like) and I assumed that my
contemporaries were similarly spanked for unruly behavior. After all it was
common at school until the early 1980s. What I am trying to get is a feel of is
how common bare bottom spankings were as this is all I ever received,
administered always by father and across his knee in my parent's bedroom. They
weren't regular - maybe 4 or 5 times a year. Not all bad behavior was punished
by spanking, only where I had "crossed the line" but they were
identical in the sense that they were always administrated just before bedtime
and with the slipper. I didn't suffer from humiliation as I wore a dressing
gown so simply lowered my pajamas bottoms and then bent over my father's knee.
He would then lift up my gown and given me never more than six on each buttock.
Yes, it hurt but never for long. I have never met anyone else who went through
a similar experience and wanted to know how common it was.
Yes i for one was punished regularly but only by my mum from
approx hand slapping at first, slipper, belt, and cane. i received my last
caning at 19, punishment was administered on the bare bottom always and as you
say it was a ritual we had to go through, i had to ready the chair i was
punished over, present the implement, and ask to be punished, humiliating it
certainly was, she lathered me good and proper and no you did'nt dare get up
untill you were told to. Some of my mates were bare arse spanked too including
a Scottish lad Bill, who was regularly beaten with a leather dog lead, poor
Yes I was slippered at home during the holidays but this was in
the 1960s.
My father used a plimsoll on my bare buttocks, and my brother had
the same. I think it was quite common up till the late 1970s, as Ive heard a
few others say they had CP at home.
And we did wear pyjama trousers, that is probably unheard of these
days !!
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Spanked and Slippered
I was punished at school an awful lot but never by my parents. However, the mother of the children next door gave me a very hard spanking and slippering along with her 2 daughters and another girl that lived just up the road. All four of us were sitting down the end on my neighbours garden and the two sisters were smoking. They managed to get the other girl to try it but I wouldn't go near cigarettes as I hated the smell. The mother had called to her two daughters to come in doors as there tea was ready but they had ignored her. All of a sudden the mother was standing next to us and went absolutely ballistic when she saw the girls smoking. She made us all go indoors with her and I have never been shouted at so much. The mother was all red in the face and we all stood there starring at the floor. I thought that would be it so had not said anything about not smoking, not that I could get a word in anyway. All of a sudden the mother grabbed her eldest daughter's arm (15), sat herself down on a armchair and pulled he daughter over her lap. She then flipped her skirt up and hand spanked her across her knickers. She spanked really fast and hard and after about 30 smacks pushed her daughter upright and said to the youngest daughter (14) 'right you're next'. She got the same treatment and the mother then told the other girl (14) to get over her lap. Looking back this girl did not argue and just draped herself over the mothers lap and took the same punishment. It was only as she finished with her that I noticed her movements towards me. She told me that I was next and pulled me by the arm over her knee. I protested my innocence to no avail and got a really hard spanking over my trousered bottom. At least I had two layers to protect me but it still stung. When she finished with me she turned to her eldest daughter and said 'fetch the slipper, I've not finished with you lot yet'. When the daughter came back she handed the slipper (heavy soled plimsoll) to the mother as she stood up from the armchair and without a word the daughter just bent over, lifted her own skirt and waited for her mother to slipper her. She got 8 whacks and was crying after about the 3rd stroke although remained in position throughout. After the 8th whack she stood up and the younger daughter took her place without saying a word. She got 11 whacks and was crying as she actually bent over. After the 3rd stroke landed she put her hand back to protect her bottom and the mother just said 'right we'll start again'. She managed to stay still for the next 8. It was then the other girls turn and she just followed suit but went to pull her knickers down having lifted her skirt. The mum of the girls stopped her and said that she could keep her knickers on and it wasn't until about 4 days later that I found out that her own mother slippered her bare when punishment's were due. She took all 8 without moving or crying. The mum then told me to bend over and I started backing away saying that I didn't smoke any cigarettes so didn't deserve punishment. The girls said absolutely nothing in my defence but then again they were pre-occupied with their own stinging bottoms. I also learnt at a later date that the mum would have assumed that they were lying and dished out more of the slipper. Not exactly fair justice but effective! lol For some reason I gave in to the mothers raised voice and found myself in the same position as the girls but still with the benefit of my trousers. She then started to slipper me and on the 1st whack I stood bolt upright and was told 'ok, we'll start again' So if you're good at math's I should have got 9 in total, but I got 11 because at the end of the 9th whack she announced that I should get extra as I was wearing trousers. By the way I was in tears after 7 whacks although I did my best not to cry in front of the girls. As mentioned previously, I was caned and slippered at school (all boy's) many times but this spanking and slippering was more humiliating because of who gave the punishment, the fact it was in front of girls and I cried. My mother found out I had been spanked and slippered as the neighbour told her over a cup of tea the next day. When I came home from school she came up to my room to talk about it. My mother knew that I didn't and wouldn't smoke but understood why the neighbour had punished all four of us. That didn't really help and in fact made me a little angry but I didn't over react. My mother did ask if the punishment had marked me, which it had a little and offered to take a look which I declined. At 14 I felt a bit strange letting my mum see my bottom although she often saw me naked or semi-naked around the house. My main reason for not letting her inspect my bottom was the fact that I was embarrassed as I had received 4 strokes of the cane across my bottom at school that day. I knew the cane marks would still be very fresh as I got them in the last lesson of the day. My mother wouldn't have punished me more because of it, in fact my parents never physically punished me, but she would have wanted to talk about my bad behaviour at school and I could have done without the lecture. By the way those 4 strokes really stung on top of my already spanked and slippered bottom but I didn't don't cry at an all boy's school unless you have a death wish. LOL
Visit To Nanny
My Visit to Nanny My history with the spankings and women’s footwear began at age five From that day on the soles of ladies footwear caught my eye and not forgetting the beautiful spankings I had received with the implement. I had spent fifteen years with these thoughts in my mind but felt that I would never be able to find a way of making these dreams become a reality. One day I came across the personals column in a magazine which showed adds of women offering specialist services. The One that caught my eye read “Mistress offers Discipline and Spanking a Speciality” Although I was very nervous about doing so it was without hesitation I called the number and made an appointment. On entering the apartment as with a natural instinct the first things I did was glance down to the lady of the houses footwear. To my great delight she was wearing a pair of suede purple House slippers “Please do come in” she said in a kindly manner. The conversation took that of a casual tone , asking me about my journey there and what I worked as etc. After I had handed her over an envelope with my tribute in ,she guided me to a room and told me to go and sit in there and make my self comfortable. I was still a little nervous, however which on reflection the Mistress had sensed this. I sat on the bed wondering what she actually meant by making myself feel comfortable . In my mind it could mean one or two things which are make yourself at ease or on the other hand strip off. I decided I was not brave enough to strip off besides it wasn’t really the done thing. However making myself comfortable I decided to crawl into the bed pull the covers over me and pretend to be asleep. I had requested that the Mistress of the house play the role of an old fashioned Nanny . In my minds eye this might
be a good way to start the role. Sometimes it seems nothing ever goes to plan , however luckily this time it did. The Mistress of the house gently opened the door and saw me in bed. “What in Heavens name are you doing in you wretched child” She roared wasting no time in getting into the role. “You know very well you have chores to do this morning and they will not get done by you lazing around in bed” She continued becoming more and more angry. “Are you listening to me or do you want me to give you a taste of my slipper”. Music to my ears, I felt for the first time in my life that I had now died and gone to heaven. All aprehenison had now vanished and I started like the fool I was to become a little brave. “Shant” I answered. “You will do as you are jolly well told” she snapped back “ you know you have chores to do and one way or another they will be done”. With this she ripped off the bedsheets and with her hand she swiped down a hard smack across my legs.
“Owechhhhhhhhhhh” I reacted. The smack had come a little unexpected and I was not ready for it. “There is more of where they came from” she informed me. I decided it may be a good idea if I actually did get out of the bed and do as I was told. Once out of the bed she started bellowing in my ear again. “As you well know Peter Nanny does not put up with idleness , lazyness , disrespect , or nautyness of any nature. I put my head down and once again caught view of her purple slippers. “What is it Nanny does not put up with Peter?”. I didn’t realise that I would have to repeat all that but I was now beginning to expect the unexpected. “Ive forgotten Nanny” I replied in my best butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth accent, giving the puppy eyes as I answered. “Forgot” she bellowed back as if she was Mr Bumble from Olivers workhouse “Then I shall just have to remind you Peter. With this the mistress of the house sat on a wooden chair and waggled her finger directing me to come to her. Silently and deliberately she grabbed hold of my belt and started to undo it. “Your getting far too fat Peter, far too many sweets I suspect, Nanny will have to put you on a diet, or ill need to buy a crane to hoist you over my lap” Thanks a bundle I thought. The Mistress of the house seemed to be having trouble getting my belt undone so I decided I would help her. However that was met with two fierce slaps across my wrist. “Oweeecccccch” I yelled I was only trying to Help. “When I need your help I will ask for it imbersilic child. I know how to undo trousers I have done it more than enough times” “I bet you have” I answered. Though my insolences was met with Whaccccccccccccck across the back of my legs. “What was that suppose to imply young man. You shouldn’t know about such things at your age.” Eventually after much deliberation the mistress of the house managed to pull down my trousers. She removed her slipper and beckoned “Now young Peter Place yourself over Nannies Knee and let see if we can Jog your memory over the things nanny does not like. And by the way we will have your bottom bared peter you can pull your own pants down if you don’t mind, after all I never know what I might find”. I did for a moment hesitate and thought about arguing as I was a little embarrassed by having to pull my pants down. On the other hand I felt that this was what I had dreamt about for so long hence I should go for it. I pulled down my pants and gently eased myself over her knee She tapped my bottom with her slipper as if to tease and then cracked down an almighty “SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK ” across the centre of my bare bottom. For a lady who was not exactly well built I realised that she could pack a whack. I Jolted forward and let out a big Howl. “Peter” she paused “Take your punishment like a man and not like a snivling little boy. You know nanny doesn’t like sniviling little boys. She smacked her slipper down again twice on alternate cheeks. I made another howl “Peter stop it at once” she said in her best Nanny accent “You will wake the neighbours up. What is it Nanny doesn’t like?” she asked again as she bought the slipper down for its fourth whack. “I don’t know nanny” I cryed. “Don’t know “ she retorted “Don’t know was made to know, same as don’t care was made to care. We will try again . What is it Nanny doesn’t like Peter? “Laziness Nanny” my now feeble answer came back.” “Yes Peter, L- WHHUPPPPP A- WHUUUPPPP Z-WHHHHHAAACK I WHHHACK N-WWWHAAACK E –WHAAAAKC S-WHHHHHACK S-WHACCCCCCCCCCK Spells Laziness WHACKKKK WHHHACK. By now I had lost count of the strokes that had been delivered and my bottom was stinging. “What else does Nanny not like Peter?” “Ermmmmm I tried to think as half of me wanted to get this over and done with as soon as possible, though the other half of me wanted it to last for ever. “Idleness Nanny” Hoping maybe to earn a good boy scouts badge for remembering. “Yes Peter at long last you are starting to learn , can you spell Idleness she said stroking the plastic sole of her slipper on my already warmed up bottom. “No Nanny” I replied. “Oh dear we will have to improve your spelling, I WHACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK D WHACCCCCCCCCCCCCCK L WHUPPPPPPPPPPPPPP E WHUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP N WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHUP E WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP S WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUP S WHUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP As well as D WWWWWWWWWWWWHUPP I WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHACK S WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUP R WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHUP E WHHHHHHHHHHACK S WHHHHHHHHHHHHHACK P WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUP E WHHHHHHHHHHACK C WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUP T WHACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK Or nautiness WHHHHHHHHHHHHHACK OF AND WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHACK Nature whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhack whacccccccccccccccccccck. By now I was howling over her knee viewing the carpet and her other slipper she was wearing on her other foot. “As well as WHaCKKKKKKKK sniviling silly WHUPPPPPPPPPPPlittle boys WHACKKKKKKKKK WHACK . By now she was spanking in earnest and we were both getting into our roles. I suffered another 40 or more whacks with her slipper which I now learned to endure. However before too long I was ordered to put my trousers back on and leave the house. The End
be a good way to start the role. Sometimes it seems nothing ever goes to plan , however luckily this time it did. The Mistress of the house gently opened the door and saw me in bed. “What in Heavens name are you doing in you wretched child” She roared wasting no time in getting into the role. “You know very well you have chores to do this morning and they will not get done by you lazing around in bed” She continued becoming more and more angry. “Are you listening to me or do you want me to give you a taste of my slipper”. Music to my ears, I felt for the first time in my life that I had now died and gone to heaven. All aprehenison had now vanished and I started like the fool I was to become a little brave. “Shant” I answered. “You will do as you are jolly well told” she snapped back “ you know you have chores to do and one way or another they will be done”. With this she ripped off the bedsheets and with her hand she swiped down a hard smack across my legs.
“Owechhhhhhhhhhh” I reacted. The smack had come a little unexpected and I was not ready for it. “There is more of where they came from” she informed me. I decided it may be a good idea if I actually did get out of the bed and do as I was told. Once out of the bed she started bellowing in my ear again. “As you well know Peter Nanny does not put up with idleness , lazyness , disrespect , or nautyness of any nature. I put my head down and once again caught view of her purple slippers. “What is it Nanny does not put up with Peter?”. I didn’t realise that I would have to repeat all that but I was now beginning to expect the unexpected. “Ive forgotten Nanny” I replied in my best butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth accent, giving the puppy eyes as I answered. “Forgot” she bellowed back as if she was Mr Bumble from Olivers workhouse “Then I shall just have to remind you Peter. With this the mistress of the house sat on a wooden chair and waggled her finger directing me to come to her. Silently and deliberately she grabbed hold of my belt and started to undo it. “Your getting far too fat Peter, far too many sweets I suspect, Nanny will have to put you on a diet, or ill need to buy a crane to hoist you over my lap” Thanks a bundle I thought. The Mistress of the house seemed to be having trouble getting my belt undone so I decided I would help her. However that was met with two fierce slaps across my wrist. “Oweeecccccch” I yelled I was only trying to Help. “When I need your help I will ask for it imbersilic child. I know how to undo trousers I have done it more than enough times” “I bet you have” I answered. Though my insolences was met with Whaccccccccccccck across the back of my legs. “What was that suppose to imply young man. You shouldn’t know about such things at your age.” Eventually after much deliberation the mistress of the house managed to pull down my trousers. She removed her slipper and beckoned “Now young Peter Place yourself over Nannies Knee and let see if we can Jog your memory over the things nanny does not like. And by the way we will have your bottom bared peter you can pull your own pants down if you don’t mind, after all I never know what I might find”. I did for a moment hesitate and thought about arguing as I was a little embarrassed by having to pull my pants down. On the other hand I felt that this was what I had dreamt about for so long hence I should go for it. I pulled down my pants and gently eased myself over her knee She tapped my bottom with her slipper as if to tease and then cracked down an almighty “SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK
Whole Dormitory Slippered
In the 1960′s at my prep school, the dormitory door burst open and the light turned on,some time after lights out. The matron,who had earlier told us to stop talking after lights out, stood insde the door with a slipper in her hand and ordered us all to get out of bed and stand at the end of the bed facing the wall, adding that we had been warned. There were twelve beds in the dormitory in two rows of six and she approached the first bed and told the occupant to lower his pyjama trousers and bend over the bed. This was followed by six loud whacks with the slipper. She then moved down one side of the dormitory and up the other side repeating the instructions and whacking. I was fourth or fifth in line, long enough for the fear to build up and too long to wait to rub my bottom
By the time she had returned to the door, there were 12 boys snivelling or crying with 12 sore bottoms. She turned off the light told us to get back into bed and that next time we would be dealt with much more severely. With that she closed the door and left. A short sharp lesson was learned as it was the first taste of corporal punishment for most of the dormitory.
Memories of the Slipper
Memories of the slipper
I was just approaching nine years old and had finished my second year at prep-school. My brother had gone off to scout camp but I was deemed too young to join the wolf-cub camp that year. Instead I was invited to spend the first week or so of the summer holidays with a school friend, Ian Gibbs. I got home just long enough to pick up a case of “home clothes” my mother had packed for me and Mrs Gibbs then drove me and Ian over to their home (which wasn’t very far from ours), getting there in time for lunch. It was a dismal day, with the rain coming down in sheets, so we boys were effectively confined to the house under instructions from Mrs Gibbs to “play quietly – how about a board game, perhaps?” Well, we tried a board game or two but we were looking for something more exciting than Cluedo. After a while we had run out of nine-year old conversation, tried cards, dominoes – not really quite the thing. Then Ian suggested “shipwrecks”. The object ofr this game was to go round a room without touching the floor? Well, one is supposed to take off shoes and use things like magazines on the floor as stepping stones (in the polite game) but we didn’t stop to think of that. Plenty of chairs, sofas, even a stoutish bookcase to cling to… We were having fun – very noisy fun, it has to be said. A couple of times, we heard Mrs Gibbs call out “boys – keep that noise down!”, but barring a minute or two straight after such commands, we didn’t really pay much heed. The crunch (literally) came when Ian decided to get past a doorway by swinging on the door – only he swung a bit too far and crashed into a side table. Nothing was broken, thank goodness but it made an awful racket. Which brought Mrs Gibbs in, not looking very happy. “How many times have I told you two to be quiet? Now look what you have done! Ian – go to your room right now, and you, young man” – she looked straight at me – “you stay right here. I will be down shortly.” With that, she followed her son upstairs. Well, I knew I was in trouble. Big trouble and no matter how I tried to persuade myself otherwise, I couldn’t but admit I was quite as guilty as Ian and we had both, without a doubt, been more than a little naughty. I had never asked Ian what happened when he was naughty at home (we knew about school – we were both hardened criminals well used to treading the path to the housemaster’s study at bedtime for three quick whacks of the cane) but it dawned on me that I was about to find out. I had my suspicions that it was not just a telling-off heading my way. I didn’t dare move from the chair that had been indicated to me but I listened. The doors must have been open because I could hear brief muffled voices, mostly that of Mrs Gibbs, with a “sorry” or two from Ian. Then a moment or two silence then I heard what I had been dreading – the unmistakeable sounds of a spanking. Prep-school training kicked in and I counted the smacks – we were a quite heartless bunch of hooligans and took great delight in noting “how many” our classmates got on these occasions. I counted 15. My spirits rose a little. Fifteen smacks with her hand over my shorts wouldn’t be so bad – they couldn’t be. I had collected the occasional smack over shorts at school and they were nothing much to worry about, nothing like as bad as the cane over pyjamas. I heard a door shut upstairs and Mrs Gibbs coming downstairs. When she came back into the living room she just walked over to a straight chair (which she had to pick up from where we had knocked it over) and sat down. To my dismay, I saw she was holding a rather large and ominous looking bedroom slipper. Well, I knew from school that attempting to delay punishment was asking for further trouble so as soon as she sat down, I didn’t wait to be called over but went across and stood by her knee. That walk seemed like walking through treacle! It was only perhaps three or four steps but it took a long time. Mrs Gibbs looked at me. I was trying to look brave but I didn’t feel brave. I just wanted to get it over with and I was dreading the “lecture” before the painful bit. But she just looked at me and said: “I see…” Then her hands moved out and before I knew it, my shorts were round my ankles, followed quickly by my underpants. All I could think of was how painful that slipper might be on my bare bottom. Have you ever had one of those moments when you realise you have just made totally the wrong decision and it is too late to change it? Well, it was one of those moments. As Mrs Gibbs took hold of my wrist and pulled me across her lap, she said: “Now, young man – I wasn’t going to spank you (oh heck!) as you are a guest, but seeing as you seem to expect it, it’s only fair you got what Ian got.” With that, she pushed the tail of my shirt up, placed a hand firmly in the small of my back and started to spank. The first smack of the slipper stung – not quite as fierce as the cane, perhaps, but it still made me start and the second arrived before I had “readied ” myself, followed by the rest in rapid succession. I didn’t keep count, I was too busy trying to hold back the tears I could feel forming and it seemed like that spanking was never going to stop. But then suddenly it did and I was being lifted back on my feet and my underpants and shorts were being pulled up just as I couldn’t hold back a sob any longer. Mrs Gibbs marched me straight over to the sofa, sat me down, sat down beside me and put her arm round me while I gulped and sniffed and tried to stop the tears. From somewhere, she had found a clean handkerchief (certainly not from my pocket!) which she used to dab at my tears. Once I had calmed down a little she gently explained that I had been naughty but that she wasn’t really cross with me and anyway it was all over now. Yhen she leaned close and whispered in my ear. “And don’t worry about the tears. Ian cried too – but don’t let on you know.” Somehow, that conspiratorial whisper cheered me up and when I looked up, Mrs Gibbs was smiling. A few minutes later, Ian came back in the room. Both of us saw each other’s tear-reddened eyes. We gave each other sheepish grins – then this time we did play quietly until we were called in to the dining room for tea. Ian told me later that he reckoned we must have really pulled a classic one because his mother never normally spanked that hard or gave so many whacks. But I had a great deal of respect for that slipper after that! When we were put to bed that night, Mrs Gibbs supervised us bathing. Then, after we had dried off, she turned me round, looked at my bottom and with a brief “you’ll survive”, gave it a rather firm pat – if I was being picky, you could call it a smack rather than a pat. It made me jump! Then she told me to get my PJs on and hop into bed. I don’t remember her turning the light out!Thursday, 6 June 2013
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