I was an only child but spanked regularly up to the age of 16. It
was very controlled (almost regimental like) and I assumed that my
contemporaries were similarly spanked for unruly behavior. After all it was
common at school until the early 1980s. What I am trying to get is a feel of is
how common bare bottom spankings were as this is all I ever received,
administered always by father and across his knee in my parent's bedroom. They
weren't regular - maybe 4 or 5 times a year. Not all bad behavior was punished
by spanking, only where I had "crossed the line" but they were
identical in the sense that they were always administrated just before bedtime
and with the slipper. I didn't suffer from humiliation as I wore a dressing
gown so simply lowered my pajamas bottoms and then bent over my father's knee.
He would then lift up my gown and given me never more than six on each buttock.
Yes, it hurt but never for long. I have never met anyone else who went through
a similar experience and wanted to know how common it was.
Yes i for one was punished regularly but only by my mum from
approx hand slapping at first, slipper, belt, and cane. i received my last
caning at 19, punishment was administered on the bare bottom always and as you
say it was a ritual we had to go through, i had to ready the chair i was
punished over, present the implement, and ask to be punished, humiliating it
certainly was, she lathered me good and proper and no you did'nt dare get up
untill you were told to. Some of my mates were bare arse spanked too including
a Scottish lad Bill, who was regularly beaten with a leather dog lead, poor
Yes I was slippered at home during the holidays but this was in
the 1960s.
My father used a plimsoll on my bare buttocks, and my brother had
the same. I think it was quite common up till the late 1970s, as Ive heard a
few others say they had CP at home.
And we did wear pyjama trousers, that is probably unheard of these
days !!
If I was due a spanking dad took me into the dining room ordered me to carry a chair into the middle of the room and to also fetch his slipper from the draw.Trousers and underpants soon came down and I had to bend over his knee.I often counted at least 20 strokes on each cheek sometimes more depending on why I was being spanked.Afterwards I had to return his slipper to the draw ready for the next time I earned myself a punishment.